Saturday, May 22, 2010

Chocolate O'Clock

I've heard it said that when people look back on their lives they won't wish they worked more hours a week. But I think they might wish they'd eaten more Chocolate. Is there an occasion during which it is inappropriate to eat Chocolate? I cannot think of even one. Even some of the most pious mothers have been known to sneak a small chocolate treat to her youngster in order to bribe them into submission during church services. And on the flip side, I cannot think of one event or activity that is not made better by chocolate. Okay, swimming and hiking are made considerably messier. But better none-the-less.

Chocolate is not like eating just anything. It is always special. Even when you eat just a small amount at "Chocolate O'Clock" like I do every day at around 2pm, it never becomes routine. Every day at Chocolate O'Clock I set aside just a few moments to sit down with a hot cup (drinker's choice) and a bit of high quality chocolate. My husband's mother, Sally had her own chocolate philosophy, as I suspect many women (and some men) do. She thought that if you are going to eat chocolate, you should splurge on only the finest chocolates. Anything less was not worth her time. 

The older I get, the more I value her perspective on this. I don't want to set off a huge controversy here (just one big enough to get me more readers). So I will concede that sometimes a Chocolate bar is just what you are craving. After all, it is conveniently mixed with other yummy ingredients and it is generally readily available. But when you have a moment to think it through, you should plan ahead for Chocolate O'Clock. It is important. After all, you don't want to come to the end of your life and wish you had eaten more (or better quality) chocolate. "If only" is the saddest phrase in our language.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I got an email from my friend Leslie and I wanted to share it with you.

    "Carrie: From your Mouth to God's Ear! I think the word Chocolate should be said slowly and revently as in "Ch...ock...o...late". A small genuflect with one's head bowed may also be appropriate. Is there a National Chocolate Day that is NOT Valentine's Day? Maybe there should be...."

    Leslie, I agree!!

  3. Chocolate sounds like good therapy to me.

    I am enjoying a great little cube of chocolate as I write. It is a French product "Le Noir Gastronomie" I do not read French very well but it says "61% cacao" It is a dark chocolate and very tasty. The manufacturer's name is Valrhona.

  4. You won't see my lovely face on your Followers list because I hate using Blogger Dashboard. But I have subscribed in my homepage Reader gadget so I'll get your every word of wisdom.

    I agree with the MIL: one piece of fine high quality dark chocolate is worth countless pounds of M&Ms for my psycho-spiritual well-being. Quality trumps quantity almost every time.

  5. Very true, Sandra, but in a pinch, M & M's or even a chocolate kiss or two will certainly do!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm totally on board with saying it slowly and reverently; and in writing, it should always be capitalized. Perhaps, even, written in calligraphy. Or script, or italics at the very least.

  8. I will take all of your suggestions for future posts! And Cheryl, you can be on the Chocolate debate team!
